Stop going to church. Start BEING the church.

Auctioneering EVENTS are about FRIENDRAISING

Stop going to church. Start BEING the church.

FRIENDRAISING is about the RESURRECTION of body of believers in the Christian community … building the body of believers and thus making the REAL spiritual church healthy will be done with or without physical churches and pharisaical institutional impediments to spreading the Gospel and the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The traditional bricks-and-mortar churches can play a very active role in building up the real SPIRITUAL church, but the idolators and worshippers of physcical structures rather than Christ will be left behind.

This is why we believe that the dead should be left to bury their dead.

Friendraising events brings people together and accelerates various inter-church phatic conversations and deeper intra-church internal negotiations that restore spiritual life to churches and generally lead toward deeper, more empathetic friendships in the community … in general, the strategic objective of Salebarn is about advancing the PR/outreach agenda of LIVING spiritual organizations that wish to be served by this process.

It’s NOT about fundraising or about guilt-based checkbook charity or passing the collection plate in public to play on people’s vanity and pride. It’s RADICALLY different than what you will find in the realm of conventional benefit auctioneering and fundraising consultants … it’s about EXERCISING atrophied community muscles and slowly building up the body of believers and making the REAL spiritual church healthy.

Immersive training in order to TRAIN outreach leadership

This 200-module syllabus is for AUTODIDACTIC training to help recruit leaders and build a organizational faith-driven discipline for a year-long study of using events to accelerate the negotiation that is always happening as a ongoing conversation between an organization, the network of churches it serves and all people in the local community.

The point of this exercise is to AUTODIDACTICALLY LEARN how to use friendraising or getting people out to events, not so much to donate, but mostly develop stronger faith-based friendships between members of churches and the people in the community … the focus is not exactly on bringing in dollars – that will happen if God wills these activities to be successful in that regard … MOSTLY, the intent is advance the PR/outreach agenda of the organization we serve.

200 modules for a year-long immersive training program in Christian outreach leadership

Here is a 200-module syllabus for a year-long study of auctioneering based fundraising events for a Christian organization with excess thrift store merchandise to liquidate.

PRACTICALLY, in pedagogical terms, the focus of these auctioneering events is about putting the training INTO PRACTICE … this is not just a seminar that one attends and then goes back to the normal routine and forgets about it … this is about a year-long study of increasing the bid … that means that we set up a regular RHYTHMIC vibe that church leaders and community people start to understand and then find ways to participate in … we need to have EVENTS that will work with the resources that we have … of course, the events certain aspects of the small events will fail and we will learn from those failures to PRACTICALLY DESIGN BETTER AND BETTER events.

The POINT of this entire exercise is about increasing the bid … SLOWLY building momentum … working with the entire community to accelerate the negotiations that should always being happening as part of the ongoing conversations that are about BUILDING THE COMMUNITY.

In other words, the point doing this is to drive out NEGATIVE community behaviors such as gossiping, longing for better days of the past, focusing on negatives.

BUILDING the community requires building momentum and excitement and FAITH … walking WITH our people, WITH our churches is about serving the spiritual needs of people in the local community … and it also about displacing the negative habits of being ourselves, being held back by our longing for the past or our fears of the community’s future and the influx of NEW people and NEW spirtual needs … BUILDING THE COMMUNITY requires RESURRECTION and EXERCISE of FAITH.

Module 1-10: Introduction to Auctioneering and Fundraising

1. Overview of auctioneering and its history

2. Types of auctions and their formats

3. The role of an auctioneer in fundraising events

Benefit Auctioneers Specialists (BAS) are professionally trained and certified to be specialist in fundraising … they develop worldwide peer networks with fellow BAS professionals. As professionals, their roles goes far beyond merely being an emcee performing at an event; it really goes beyond even just developing and implementing strategies for developing and managing a one-off successful fundraising benefit auction event … fundraising is longer-term process of growing a donor base. BAS professionals guide clients through series of consultations resulting in a successful event and building larger organizational reach. This about working with clients to identify methods to communicate professional links to committees, foundations, CEOs, and significant influencers promote the service and mission of the organization … this will involve using different methods but it’s about getting out a consistent message through different channels including content marketing through blogs, podcasts and all effective means of using digital and video marketing. It’s really about transcending an effective stage/screen performance to maximize different revenue streams and fundraising potential for multiple event types, including revenue generators and revenue enhancers. A BAS professiona will be well-versed in the pros and cons of different approaches … an in-person event, virtual webinar, hybrid conference, and online only fundraising mechanisms for various purposes. It really requires a professional approach to identify the technology and audio-visual best practices for each event type. Before events, it’s necessary to work with clients to develop a script or run-of-show (ROS) dress rehearsal with the client that reinforces and supports fundraising as the event goal. Regardless of whether it’s show on Broadway or Community Theater play or benefit event … it has to be REHEARSED and taken seriously … or otherwise, why should ANYONE take the cause or the event seriously?

4. Understanding the Christian organization’s mission and values

5. Identifying the organization’s excess thrift store merchandise

6. Setting fundraising goals and objectives

7. Developing a budget for the fundraising events

8. Creating a timeline for the year-long study and events

9. Establishing a team and assigning roles and responsibilities

10. Brainstorming initial ideas for fundraising events

Module 11-20: Engaging the Organization’s Members

11. Importance of involving members in the fundraising process

12. Conducting surveys to gather input and ideas from members

13. Organizing brainstorming sessions with members

14. Encouraging members to share their talents and resources

15. Creating subcommittees for specific fundraising events

16. Developing a communication plan to keep members informed and engaged

17. Recognizing and celebrating members’ contributions

18. Providing training and support for members involved in fundraising

19. Incorporating prayer and devotions into the planning process

20. Evaluating and implementing members’ ideas for fundraising events

Module 21-30: Nursery Plant Sales

21. Benefits of hosting a nursery plant sale fundraiser

22. Identifying types of plants to sell based on the season and demand

23. Sourcing plants from local nurseries or growing them in-house

24. Pricing strategies for nursery plants

25. Creating attractive displays and signage for the plant sale

26. Promoting the plant sale through various channels

27. Recruiting volunteers to assist with the plant sale

28. Implementing a system for recording sales and handling payments

29. Providing care instructions and resources for purchased plants

30. Evaluating the success of the nursery plant sale and gathering feedback

Module 31-40: Estate Auctions

31. Understanding the concept and benefits of estate auctions

32. Identifying potential estate auction opportunities

34. Developing a process for assessing and valuing estate items

35. Creating a catalog and marketing materials for the estate auction

36. Promoting the estate auction to potential bidders and collectors

37. Organizing previews and open houses for the estate auction

38. Conducting the estate auction and managing the bidding process

39. Handling payments, item pickup, and delivery for the estate auction

40. Evaluating the success of the estate auction and identifying areas for improvement

Module 41-50: Unique Fundraising Ideas

41. Exploring creative and innovative fundraising concepts

42. Researching successful fundraising events from other organizations

43. Adapting ideas to align with the Christian organization’s mission and values

44. Developing a themed auction event (e.g., holiday-themed, sports memorabilia)

45. Organizing a silent auction alongside a live auction event

46. Hosting a virtual auction to reach a wider audience

47. Incorporating a raffle or lottery component into the fundraising events

48. Partnering with local businesses for sponsorships and donations

49. Creating a fundraising campaign around a specific project or initiative

50. Evaluating the feasibility and potential impact of unique fundraising ideas

Module 51-60: Raising Awareness through Fundraising

51. Understanding the importance of raising awareness alongside fundraising

52. Identifying the organization’s key initiatives and programs

53. Developing messaging and branding for awareness campaigns

54. Incorporating educational components into fundraising events

55. Inviting guest speakers or testimonials to share their experiences

56. Creating informational materials and displays for fundraising events

57. Leveraging social media and digital platforms to raise awareness

58. Engaging local media outlets to cover the organization’s initiatives

59. Organizing community outreach events in conjunction with fundraisers

60. Measuring the impact of awareness efforts and gathering feedback

Module 61-70: Jail Ministry and Fundraising

61. Understanding the challenges and needs of individuals in the justice system

62. Developing fundraising initiatives to support jail ministry programs

63. Organizing a book drive or donation campaign for incarcerated individuals

64. Hosting a fundraising event to provide resources for reentry programs

65. Partnering with local businesses to provide job opportunities for former inmates

66. Creating a mentorship program and raising funds for training and support

67. Organizing a community event to raise awareness about the impact of incarceration

68. Developing a scholarship fund for children of incarcerated parents

69. Hosting a speaker series or panel discussion on criminal justice reform

70. Evaluating the effectiveness of jail ministry fundraising efforts and making improvements

Module 71-80: Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Support

71. Understanding the importance of mental health and suicide prevention

72. Developing fundraising initiatives to support mental health programs

73. Organizing a walk or run event to raise awareness about suicide prevention

74. Hosting a art therapy workshop or creative fundraiser for mental health

75. Partnering with local mental health organizations for joint fundraising efforts

76. Creating a support group or helpline and raising funds for training and resources

77. Organizing a community event to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health

78. Developing a scholarship fund for individuals seeking mental health treatment

79. Hosting a speaker series or panel discussion on mental health and faith

80. Evaluating the impact of mental health fundraising efforts and gathering feedback

Module 81-90: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling

81. Understanding the challenges and needs of individuals struggling with addiction

82. Developing fundraising initiatives to support addiction recovery programs

83. Organizing a sober social event or fundraiser for individuals in recovery

84. Hosting a educational workshop on the impact of addiction on families and communities

85. Partnering with local addiction treatment centers for joint fundraising efforts

86. Creating a support group or mentorship program and raising funds for resources

87. Organizing a community event to raise awareness about the dangers of substance abuse

88. Developing a scholarship fund for individuals seeking addiction treatment

89. Hosting a speaker series or panel discussion on faith-based approaches to recovery

90. Evaluating the effectiveness of addiction recovery fundraising efforts and making improvements

Module 91-100: Seminars for Improving Prayer Lives

91. Understanding the importance of prayer in the Christian faith

92. Developing fundraising initiatives to support prayer-focused programs

93. Organizing a prayer retreat or conference and raising funds for expenses

94. Hosting a workshop on different forms of prayer and contemplation

95. Partnering with local churches for joint prayer-focused fundraising efforts

96. Creating a prayer partner program and raising funds for resources and materials

97. Organizing a community event to encourage and support personal prayer practices

98. Developing a scholarship fund for individuals to attend prayer seminars or retreats

99. Hosting a speaker series or panel discussion on the power of prayer in daily life

100. Evaluating the impact of prayer-focused fundraising efforts and gathering feedback

Module 101-110: Sharing Devotions with Community Members

101. Understanding the importance of sharing faith and devotions with others

102. Developing fundraising initiatives to support community outreach programs

103. Organizing a community bible study or devotional group and raising funds for materials

104. Hosting a workshop on how to lead and share devotions with others

105. Partnering with local community centers for joint devotional outreach efforts

106. Creating a devotional writing or art contest and raising funds for prizes and publication

107. Organizing a community event to encourage and support personal devotional practices

108. Developing a scholarship fund for individuals to attend faith-based conferences or retreats

109. Hosting a speaker series or panel discussion on the impact of devotions on spiritual growth

110. Evaluating the effectiveness of devotional outreach fundraising efforts and making improvements

Module 111-120: Walking Alongside Those Struggling in Faith

111. Understanding the challenges and needs of individuals struggling with their faith

112. Developing fundraising initiatives to support faith-based counseling and support programs

113. Organizing a faith-based support group and raising funds for resources and materials

114. Hosting a workshop on how to provide spiritual guidance and support to others

115. Partnering with local faith-based counseling centers for joint fundraising efforts

116. Creating a mentorship program for individuals struggling in their faith and raising funds for training

117. Organizing a community event to raise awareness about the importance of spiritual support

118. Developing a scholarship fund for individuals to attend faith-based counseling or retreats

119. Hosting a speaker series or panel discussion on overcoming spiritual struggles and doubts

120. Evaluating the impact of faith-based support fundraising efforts and gathering feedback

Module 121-130: Expanding the Reach of Thrift Store Merchandise

121. Analyzing the current inventory and sales of the organization’s thrift store

122. Developing strategies to increase the visibility and appeal of thrift store merchandise

123. Organizing a special sale event or promotion to liquidate excess inventory

124. Hosting a fashion show or styling workshop featuring thrift store items

125. Partnering with local influencers or bloggers to showcase thrift store finds

126. Creating a social media campaign to highlight unique and valuable thrift store items

127. Organizing a community swap or trade event to encourage thrift store donations

128. Developing a loyalty program or discount system for frequent thrift store shoppers

129. Hosting a DIY workshop or upcycling event using thrift store materials

130. Evaluating the success of thrift store merchandise expansion efforts and making adjustments

Module 131-140: Collaborating with Local Churches and Ministries

131. Identifying local churches and ministries with similar missions and values

132. Developing a plan for collaboration and partnership in fundraising efforts

133. Organizing a joint fundraising event or campaign with a partner church or ministry

134. Hosting a networking event for church leaders and ministry representatives

135. Partnering with local churches to provide volunteers for fundraising events

136. Creating a resource-sharing program for fundraising materials and best practices

137. Organizing a community service project or outreach event with partner churches

138. Developing a joint scholarship or grant program for individuals in need

139. Hosting a speaker series or panel discussion on effective ministry collaboration

140. Evaluating the success of church and ministry collaboration efforts and identifying areas for improvement

Module 141-150: Leveraging Technology for Fundraising

141. Understanding the role of technology in modern fundraising strategies

142. Developing a comprehensive digital fundraising plan

143. Creating a user-friendly and informative website for the organization’s fundraising efforts

144. Implementing an online donation platform and payment processing system

145. Leveraging social media platforms for fundraising campaigns and promotions

146. Utilizing email marketing and newsletters to engage supporters and solicit donations

147. Exploring crowdfunding and peer-to-peer fundraising opportunities

148. Implementing a donor management system to track and analyze contributions

149. Hosting virtual events and webinars to expand the reach of fundraising efforts

150. Evaluating the effectiveness of technology-based fundraising strategies and making improvements

Module 151-160: Storytelling and Impact Reporting

151. Understanding the power of storytelling in fundraising and awareness-raising

152. Developing a storytelling strategy for the organization’s initiatives and programs

153. Collecting and curating impactful stories from individuals served by the organization

154. Creating compelling visual content (photos, videos) to accompany stories

155. Incorporating storytelling elements into fundraising events and campaigns

156. Developing a system for measuring and reporting on the impact of the organization’s work

157. Creating an annual impact report to share with donors and supporters

158. Hosting a storytelling event or showcase to highlight the organization’s impact

159. Leveraging storytelling in grant applications and funding proposals

160. Evaluating the effectiveness of storytelling and impact reporting efforts and making improvements

Module 161-170: Cultivating Major Donors and Planned Giving

161. Understanding the importance of major donors and planned giving in fundraising

162. Developing a strategy for identifying and cultivating potential major donors

163. Creating a stewardship plan for maintaining relationships with major donors

164. Hosting exclusive events or experiences for major donors and planned giving prospects

165. Providing personalized recognition and acknowledgment for major contributions

166. Developing a legacy or endowment program for planned giving opportunities

167. Creating informational materials and resources on planned giving options

168. Hosting a seminar or workshop on estate planning and charitable giving

169. Partnering with financial advisors and estate planning professionals for referrals

170. Evaluating the success of major donor and planned giving efforts and making adjustments

Module 171-180: Volunteer Management and Engagement

171. Understanding the critical role of volunteers in fundraising and awareness-raising efforts

172. Developing a comprehensive volunteer management plan

173. Creating volunteer position descriptions and recruitment materials

174. Implementing a volunteer orientation and training program

175. Establishing a system for scheduling and coordinating volunteer assignments

176. Providing ongoing support and resources for volunteers

177. Recognizing and appreciating volunteer contributions and achievements

178. Hosting volunteer appreciation events or providing special perks and benefits

179. Encouraging volunteer feedback and input in the planning and execution of events

180. Evaluating the effectiveness of volunteer management and engagement strategies and making improvements

Module 181-190: Event Planning and Logistics

181. Understanding the key elements of successful fundraising event planning

182. Developing a comprehensive event planning checklist and timeline

183. Selecting and securing appropriate venues for fundraising events

184. Coordinating catering, décor, and entertainment for events

185. Developing a system for event registration and ticketing

186. Creating promotional materials and marketing campaigns for events

187. Recruiting and training event volunteers and staff

188. Implementing a system for event day logistics and troubleshooting

189. Conducting post-event evaluations and gathering feedback from attendees

190. Evaluating the success of fundraising events and identifying areas for improvement

Module 191-200: Continuous Improvement and Long-Term Sustainability

191. Understanding the importance of continuous improvement in fundraising efforts

192. Developing a system for regularly reviewing and analyzing fundraising metrics and data

193. Conducting surveys and focus groups to gather feedback from stakeholders

194. Implementing a process for identifying and addressing challenges and obstacles

195. Encouraging innovation and experimentation in fundraising strategies and tactics

196. Developing a long-term sustainability plan for the organization’s fundraising efforts

197. Creating a succession plan for key fundraising leadership roles and responsibilities

198. Establishing an endowment or reserve fund to ensure financial stability

199. Regularly communicating with donors and supporters about the organization’s progress and impact

200. Celebrating successes and re-loading for the next year of immersive study in friendraising efforts